Tuesday, April 22, 2008

One large knee.........

Sorry I don't have the picture yet but I will post it tomorrow. We have a boy that is around 20 years old - presented to clinic with a massive right knee - like he has a pumpkin there. It is incredible really - he can barely walk because of it. Just picture a tiny upper and lower leg and in the middle a large pumpkin. It is extremely painful to even light touch. Now the bad news - likely an osteogenic sarcoma - a fatal cancer at this point. His CXR showed some pulmonary nodules so already metastatic. For palliative care and comfort we will most likely do an amputation above the tumor tomorrow. Unfortunately, he has been febrile all day so this makes surgery a little more risky. He is so great, and so thankful to all of us and he speaks pretty good english for a change. The outcome will not be good but we hope to make his last few months a little more liveable......pic coming soon - if we do the amputation we may have a before and after shot for everybody.

All of us are doing really good - the students have been awesome and working hard !! And we are all healthy, well-fed and showered everyday !! I thought the parents would like to know this. We head to Accra then Elmina Coast for a little R and R this Friday - well deserved for everybody ! Take care a good night from Ghana - thanks to everybody who has emailed support and posted comments on the blog - we appreciate everybody's kind words.......

1 comment:

lynn said...

Hi Kavara and friends. You all have definitely seen some acute patients the past several days. Your love,care,compassion and commitment to the people of Ghana is such a blessing to them. If we are every going to make a difference in the world you all have set a perfect example to follow!
Revelation 21:3-4 "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or morning or crying or pain, for the order of things has passed away." May God bless over you all and keep you safe.